Blog #02

//random thinkings

{The idea of making choices through the conditional statements is really intriguing. Learning the if, else if and else statements really helps me reverse engineer the inner world of computation. Yet I am also thinking that since these conditional statements are preset by machines and engineers, to what extent of free choices we users have from these conditioned situations which are always between an Either Or?}

// General experience in coding

{This week’s work grouping with Tom is quite fun for me. Our workflow goes from Tom starting to write the conditional statements while I build up from his work by adding in more calls. I also added more conditional statements to amplify the “narrative of the work”. Sometimes I got trapped in actualizing what I am visualizing in my mind through code. Nevertheless, I found it quite helpful to first write down the thoughts in verbal language then try to realize or translate it through coding language.

>>click here to check the {

