Blog #11

//General thoughts

I am a little bit lost in this moment. On one hand I really want to solidify my concept while on the other, I also want to test out and incorporate what I have learnt to the design. Yet, now I feel the ideas are more driven by the techniques instead of by actual concepts. Whenever I start envisioning things, I started with thinking how I can actualize it through physical computing, instead of thinking whether the concept makes sense or not. Furthermore, it become difficult to me to balance delivering a message through this installation and giving the participants their autonomy and agency. Are all interactive installations more of a artists’ personal attitude which got embodied through participants’ collective interaction, or are they more of a public existence that has meaning without the artists’ dictatorship? I feel most of the interactive installation artworks today are the former one. I am not saying being expressive is bad. Yet I feel it is not enough. How to be expressive and utilitarian/user friendly at the same time?

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