Documentation 05

// Ideation

I created this pattern in Illustrator as a starting point for the design choice. I wanted it to spin representing the second change. By creating the seconds representation as a function and call it in the draw container, I started with the idea of having it spin in the middle of the screen. Yet, After I made the design, I changed the idea to have a for loop looping the function to create equal the seconds representation fill out the screen in a 3x3 grid. This idea is to show a topographical difference of how each seconds is taking individual seconds are happening 


I started with coding the seconds into function

video 5.1 starting with seconds
Then instead of making only 1, I created a for loop for this:
video 5.2 seconds
I then played with the gradient and start building the minute using a solid arc with fill.
Also added text to indicate it is a clock for I doubt the information delivery’s sufficiency.
Also got some problems when writing the hours function due to rotation and translation. Yet finally got it right via using push and pop.
fig 5.1 hour

Here is the final result:

1. What is the difference between creating functions and creating arrays? Can we think of it like this: function are verbs while arrays are nouns?