Documentation 08

//Lab: Intro to Asynchronous Serial Communication

ASCII vs. Binary

video 8.1 Serial.println
video 8.2 Serial.println
Is there a difference between using mapping to map 0-1023 to 0-255 and to divide it by 4?

fig. 8.1 Serial.write garbage letters?
Shouldn’t the result only be 1 and 0? What do the other characters come from?

video 8.3 send the data in many formats
video 8.4 formating multiple serial data with punctuations
video 8.5 flow control call & response

//Lab Serial Input using the p5. webserial library

video 8.6 reading incoming serial data
(a stupid mistake i made:  I saw the incoming data overlapping each other. Thought it was the data’s problem but then noticed it was just me forgetting to add the background color)
video 8.7 draw a graph representing the incoming data
(there is some lagging in the graph’s movement, is it because of the console.logs?)

video 8.8 reading serial data as a string

//Labs: Two-way(Duplex) webserial communication

video 8.9 flow control: call and response (handshaking)
What does two-way/duplex mean?
video 8.10 flow control: call and response better formatted

//Labs Serial Output From p5js Using the p5.webSerial Library

video 8.11 control the LED using keyPressed and mouseDragged

fig 8.2 parseInt

why do I get this question mark? And for parseInt, does every number work or it has to be ASCII? I typed in random numbers and got nothing. I think I still am a little confused about parseInt (though in our midterm we were using it a lot...)